Benefits Of Betel To Treat blurred Eyes

Myopic eyes often happen to people today. the factor of the occurrence of myopic eyes is influenced by several things, such as seeing bright light excessive, because often staring at the screen hp, computer screen, and others.

This myopic eye disease is divided into two, namely farsightedness and farsightedness. For farsightedness or dream is a state where the eyes can see objects that are close to clear, but can not see objects with long distances. Generally, for people who have farsighted eyes when they look at a distant object they will emit their eyes to see the object.

While farsightedness near eye dalah type of eye abnormalities where for people with nearsightedness can see objects with long distance, but can not meliahat objects with close loot. This close rabbit is also called plus or hyperopia.

Benefits Of Betel To Treat blurred Eyes

In order to avoid the occurrence of nearsightedness or farsightedness, the thing you can do to prevent the problem is by way of distance to the eye when seeing a high-light related objects such as hp and computer. Also do not read while lying down, reduce foods that contain high protein, consumption of fruits and vegetables.

For those of you who have experienced farsightedness or nearness, you can use betel leaf as an herbal medicine, betel leaf is already proven and very effective in overcoming myopic eyes far and near. For how to use this betel leaf, you can do in the following way:

The first way:

  • For this method is done at bedtime (night) so as not to interfere with your activities.
  • Prepare 2 pieces of fresh betel leaf and wash thoroughly
  • Wash your face before going to sleep
  • Paste the betel leaf on the eye using an adhesive / plaster can also
  • Then release the betel leaf in the morning

That's some information about the benefits of betel leaf in treating myopic eyes that we can get, hopefully this information brguna.

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