Mahogany is a type of wooden plant that has a large tree with a height of 30-40 meters and has a diameter of about 120 cm. the characteristics of this mahogany plant is to have straight stems, have dark brown outer skin, fruit like eggs, which have brown / black seeds.
Mahogany is a plant originating from the West Indies, usually mahogany can thrive as brackish near the coast. Jam of wood that is often used by the community, it turns out other benefits of mahogany plants is often also used as a natural herbal ingredients in helping to overcome health problems.
Part of the phon mahoni is often used as a natural herbal medicine is the fruit and seeds of mahogany, reportedly fruit and seeds can cure various types of diseases. At this time, the extract from this mahogany fruit has been widely marketed in capsule form as a food supplement.
In this fruit and mahogany seeds contain flavonoid and saponin. In addition, this fruit or mahogany also contains many vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fatty acids are needed by the body to always be healthy.
The benefits that we can get from fruit or mahogany seeds are as follows:
1. Can Be Healthy Heart
2. Can Control Blood Sugar
3. Can Become an Insect Repellent
4. Can Overcome Constipation
5. Can Reduce Alzheimer's
6. Can Reduce Menstrual Pain
7. Can Help Increase Appetite
Apart from the benefits of mahogany fruit that we can get, but we need to remember is that the mahogany also has side effects that we should be aware, from the above note, mahogany fruit contains Saponin and Flavonoid.
Flavonoids and Saponins if consumed in large quantities can cause increased risk of cholesterol in bile, which in turn can lead to gallstones. For that, before consuming the extract and his own ingredients from this mahogany, sebaikanya first consult the doctor or the experts, in order to avoid things that are not desirable.
That's the short information we can get to you, hopefully this information can benefit you all. Thank you…
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