Benefits Of Ear Mushrooms For Health

Ear fungus is a type of fungus that comes from A. Auricula-judae species and also comes from the family auriculariaceae. In Japanese, this ear mushroom is known as kikurage nickname, in Chinese language it is called Mu Er, while in English, this fungus is called Jews Ear / Judas'Ear.

Well, so far many of the people who are reluctant to consume mushrooms as their nutritional intake, because many of the Indonesian people who do not know the benefits of fungi for health.

In addition, many people are still afraid to consume mushrooms because they have not been able to distinguish which toxic molds and which mushrooms are not toxic, because if one consumes mushrooms, consumed by toxic fungus will be fatal and can even cause death.

Ear fungus is usually can be encountered during the rainy season, this mushroom is usually a lot of growing and sticking to the wooden stems that have been decayed or that have rotted, so as in the wet or so damp. But if the market, this mushroom is sold with a dry form.

Benefits Of Ear Mushrooms For Health

Mushrooms that have a chewy texture, and have a dark brown color that is half clear, and sometimes also shaped like a bowl that resembles the shape of the ear of a human being belongs to the family group jelly fungi, which has the Latin name Auricularia polytricha.

Actually there are many uses of this ear fungus, the first use of this ear fungus is the people of Indonesia many who use it as a mixture of processed soup or oseng cuisine.

In addition to serve as a tasty cuisine, the benefits of this ear mushroom also has long been famous for its usefulness for human health. For those of you who want to know what are the benefits, here are some of the benefits contained in black ear mushrooms if we consume the right way and regularly.

1. Can Prevent Occurrence of Irritation and Inflammation

The content of Polysaccharide Extract contained in the ear fungus has anti-inflammatory properties. Things like this can be useful to stop or treat an irritation and also the inflammation that occurs in the body, especially in the mucous membrane.

2. Can Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke

Heart disease and stroke is a disease that occurs caused by blood clots that will eventually lead to blood flow leading to the heart becomes blocked.

If you frequently consume ear mushrooms regularly, then this can help you to reduce the risk of the disease. Because ear fungus works by helping and balancing the digestion of blood in the body. This can certainly be useful to help facilitate the circulation of blood in the body which will be useful to prevent the occurrence of stroke.

3. Can prevent the arrival of Alzheimer's disorders

Ear fungus is one type of processed food that is very good for consumption by people who want to have a healthy life, especially for people who already have old age. Because the content of extracts of Polysaccharide substances contained in this ear mushroom can inhibit the spread of Alzheimer's disease.

4. Can Treat Disease Hypertension

Experts have shown evidence that ear fungus has a very effective drug content to reduce cholesterol levels in the body and also blood glucose levels.

5. Can Reduce Stress Risk

Vitamin B2 content contained in ear mushrooms commonly known as Riboflavin substances, useful to help protect the immune system and can increase the body's ability to avoid stress.

6. Being Free Radicals

As we know, the human body needs Riboflavin substances to be able to help or change the carbohydrate content to become glucose substances that will be in the process to become fuel in the body. These compounds can be useful for maintaining healthy hair, eye organ, skin health, and also liver function.

Vitamin B2 in the ear fungus is able to act as an antioxidant substance is very good and useful to protect the body from damage caused by the influence of free radicals. It also can prevent the occurrence of premature aging and cancer risk.

7. Can Lower cholesterol

A study has been done on a mouse that is experiencing and suffering from hyperlipidemia. Research has shown that polarisaccharides found in ear mushrooms can lower cholesterol in the blood. It can also increase HDL in the blood of these mice.

8. To eliminate toxic effects

Mucus contained in ear fungus can be used to treat a body that is being poisoned. For this reason, ear fungus is often used to eliminate toxins in various food preparations. Ear fungus we can use for antidote toxins such as vegetable toxins, toxins derived from heavy metals, as well as toxic pesticide residues.

Well, so a review about Benefits Of Ear Mushrooms For Health that we need to know. May be useful…

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