5 Types of Drinks to Avoid By Pregnant Women

For you or your family who again hail, you should know this, because this often happens because kelalain or because do not understand. In our daily life, especially for mothers who are pregnant, there are several types of beverages that should be avoided, because these drinks can cause unexpected things to happen. The types of beverages are as follows:

5 Types of Drinks to Avoid By Pregnant Women

1. Drinks That Contain Caffeine

The reason why drinks containing caffeine should be avoided by pregnant women is because according to medical experts, if pregnant women consume excessive caffeine can memebuat pregnant women into a miscarriage.

2. Traditional Herbal Drinks

For pregnant women, be careful in having traditional herbs, because traditional herbs are many ingredients that we do not know in the making, so it is better to avoid them than to happen unwanted things.

3. Soft Drinks

Soft drinks are a ban for pregnant women. Soft drinks can lead to brain damage in infants who are still in the womb, in addition, soft drinks can also cause abnormal and premature births.

4. Green Tea

For women who are pregnant, it is strongly recommended not to consume more green tea more than once a day. The reason is because a cup of green tea is believed to contain 200 mg of caffeine. If a pregnant woman consumes green tea more than once a day, it can increase the risk of miscarriage.

In addition, green tea also contains a lot of floride, so it can prevent the absorption of iron which eventually occurs keanemia that is harmful to the health of infants and also pregnant women.

5. Alcoholic Beverages

The last of the drinks that should be avoided by pregnant women is the type of alcoholic beverage. Alcohol drink is the main cause of miscarriage. In addition, according to medical experts, drinks that have alcohol can cause damage to the baby's brain that can cause death.

That's the brief information about the types of drinks that should be avoided by pregnant women, hopefully this information can be useful for you.

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