Types of Food That Can Relieve Emotion

Revealing the occurrence of emotion can be expressed in anger, sadness, and the like. Overall it is a human way to reduce the pressure felt by the emotion that is felt.

Things like It is a natural thing to happen. However, if things like this happen continuously and repeatedly, it turns out not only affects the psychological person, but it could have an impact that is not good for health.

The main factor causing the emergence of various types of disease is a sense of stress, emotion or anger that can not be controlled, of course, have a great risk that can cause stress.

Therefore, as much as possible you should be able to avoid the stress, so supay the body remains healthy always.

There are several ways you can control the sense of stre, whether spiritual or physical, but the point is to relieve the emotions that are churning within you.

Well for the occasion this time, I will give tips or ways that turned out to have the ability to be able to relieve the emotions you experience. The tips or ways are as follows:

Food That Can Relieve Emotions

Types of Food That Can Relieve Emotion

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is a very popular food among people, and chocolate is also believed to relieve emotion. Some experts who have done research show that people who eat chocolate will experience a decrease in stress levels drastically and can make moods become more calm.

This is caused because chocolate contains psychoactive molecules that can stimulate the brain to feel more comfortable. This is why eating chocolate can make a person's explosive feelings subside.

The content of psychoactive molecules contained in chocolate include theobromine, caffeine, phentylethylalanine, and methyl-xanthine. Well for you who are experiencing a sense of sadness or an emotional outburst that can make you experience or feel the pressure. Maybe you can try to buy some chocolate food.

By enjoying the sweetness of chocolate and thinking positively, so the emotion you are feeling slowly will subside.

2. Banana

Banana is a type of fruit that has a high nutrient content. Apparently bananas also have the same properties with chocolate to be able to relieve emotion. Inside the banana contain vitamin B and potassium are able to stimulate the mind to become more relaxed.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts are also believed to be able to relieve emotions, in addition to the content of essential fatty acids and omega 3, walnuts are also very good for health.

The content contained within the walnuts contain psychoactive substances that can stimulate the brain becomes more relaxed. So for you who eat it, will feel a more relaxed feel comfortable, and calm.

4. Cheese

Cheese is a well known type of healthy food, and also has a high calcium content. Cheese is believed to be very good for bone health. Well, it turns out a sealin of it, cheese also has benefits that are powerful enough to ease the feeling of emotion.

Well for you who are experiencing a high level of emotion, you can eat cheese interspersed with bread and chocolate. By enjoying the delicious taste of this food will be able to make you become happier.

That is the type of nutritious food that can ease the emotions you are feeling. Actually the most important thing to be able to reduce the emotion that is exploding is with a positive way of thinking.

For that reason, try to go out and hang out with your friends, do not let the emotions or feelings that you are experiencing control yourself.

Because it is very dangerous to you, especially for your own health. For that often share a story about a problem you are experiencing to friends or people closest to you.

That's part of the effort you can use to reduce the anger and emotion of using food. Hopefully this is useful ....

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