The Dangers of Drinking Milk Mixed Tea For Health

Drinking tea mixed with milk really gives a great sensation, because it can raise the taste and give a sense of pleasure to the drink. What's more to enjoy it while sitting relaxed and accompanied by some snack foods.

However, some people assume that drinking milk-blended tea is common and well-liked. But does this have no effect on health? Yes, of course this has its effect on health, and is considered not good for health.

Here is an explanation of the dangers of drinking tea mixed with milk for health that you can know.

Tea has many antioxidants that function to get rid of the effects of free radicals that are at risk for cell development. One of the antioxidant compounds that tea possesses catechin.

The Dangers of Drinking Milk Mixed Tea For Health

While milk has a protein called casein that can block the power of catechin compounds found in tea. Well when the tea is taken simultaneously with milk, the benefits of antioxidants found in tea to be less than optimal.

In addition, when viewed from the benefits of milk is that milk can be a source of calcium is very beneficial for bone health. Drinking milk regularly can make bone protection so healthy and strong.

However, tea also contains a compound called oxalic acid. These compounds will usually be excreted through the urine simultaneously. Well, in the body, this oxalic acid compound can bind to the calcium that can make a particle called kidney stones.

If this continues to happen in large quantities, surely the particle will be large. The formation of these particles can occur as a result of a combination of tea and milk taken simultaneously, if more often consume tea with milk simultaneously, the greater the risk of kidney stone disease.

But this does not mean prohibition or you can not consume the drink, you can consume as long as accompanied by consuming enough water. So, if you want to consume tea mixed with milk, do not forget to consume water too.

Those are some reviews about the dangers of drinking milk tea for health that you can know, hopefully this information is useful and useful for everyone, Thank you.

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